Oasis Camp

Non-Instructor-Led Activities

Archery – Challenge yourself to hit the bullseye 

Low ropes – work with your spotter to navigate our 17 element obstacle course

Games Room – enjoy yourself in our games room playing billiards, fooseball, tabletennis or air hockey, Ga Ga pit and other initiatives (ask about what we may be building onsite)

Enviro walk – follow our marked enviro walk down to the creek and back


Initiative Games

The initiative games are a series of challenging activities aimed at encouraging team building. As a group, participants are presented with problems that require group communication and co-operation in order to successfully complete each activity.

Suitable for grade 3+

Group Sizes: 16-20

Teachers/Supervisors: 1:20

Oasis Activity Instructors: 0


Participants learn the basics of archery including safety techniques, and the loading and firing of recurve bows. This activity takes place on the sports oval well away from other activities and is under a shelter.

Group Sizes: 16-20

Teachers/Supervisors: 1:20

Oasis Activity Instructors: 0

Low Ropes

*Currently unavailable due to storm damage.

Our low element ropes course challenges the campers’ balance, co-ordination, trust and stamina. The participants move around the various elements in groups of three – one participant and two spotters. Each person has turns at being the climber and then a spotter. Two leaders are recommended to supervise the activity.

Group Sizes: 16-20

Teachers/Supervisors: 1:20

Oasis Activity Instructors: 0

Enviro Walk

Oasis has various walks through the bushlands surrounding the camp site. The enviro-walk is a self-guided tour through the lower part of the camp property (fern gully). This presents the campers an opportunity to experience the local flora and fauna and further their understanding of eco-systems and aboriginal bush-crafts.

Group Sizes: 16-20

Teachers/Supervisors: 1:20

Oasis Activity Instructors: 0-1

Swimming Pool

Our swimming pool is currently unavailable due to destruction in recent storm events. We are sorry for any inconvenience.

Group Sizes: 16-25

Teachers/Supervisors: 1:20 (More recommended. At least 1 with a minimum of first aid or Bronze Medallion)

Oasis Activity Instructors: 0

(Camp Instructors with Bronze Medallion can be booked at additional cost)

Games Room

Pool tables, table tennis, air hockey, & foos ball.

Camp Fire & Marshmellows

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Trivia Night

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Camp Disco

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Night Walk

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Laser Strike

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